INDIAN YOUTH India is one of the youngest country in the world. India`s population is more than 100 crores, out of which 40% are in the age of group of 15 and 30. It is the age of discovery and dreams. Youth is the backbone of country. Youth can play an important role in building a strong and united of India. It is on youths shoulders that the responsibility for change, progress and innovations lies.Youth are starry eyed, full of idealism and bubbling with energy to honestly fight for cause. POWER OF YOUTH Youth is the most vital human resource of the nation on whom the present and future of the country depend. the entire world is eyeing India as a source of talents at low costs for the future super profits. If Indian youth make up their mind and work in close unity with working class people, they can hold the political power in their hands. Indian youth has the power to make our country from devloping nation to a developed nation. India can become a developed nation o...